® Login issues® | Helping Center Navigating

xperiencing login issues with can be frustrating, especially when you need to manage your cryptocurrency assets. This guide will explore common problems users encounter, troubleshooting steps, and preventative measures to avoid future login difficulties.

Common Login Issues

  1. Incorrect Credentials
    • Wrong Username/Email: Entering an incorrect username or email can prevent access.
    • Forgotten Password: Not remembering your password is a frequent issue.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Problems
    • Incorrect 2FA Code: Entering the wrong 2FA code or using an outdated one can block access.
    • 2FA Device Issues: Losing access to the device used for 2FA, such as a phone, can create login hurdles.
  3. Account Lockout
    • Multiple Failed Attempts: Several unsuccessful login attempts can trigger an account lockout for security purposes.
    • Suspicious Activity: Unusual login activity might lead to temporary account suspension.
  4. Technical Issues
    • App Bugs: Issues within the app itself can prevent successful logins.
    • Server Problems: Server downtime or maintenance on's end can lead to login issues.
  5. Network Issues
    • Poor Internet Connection: A weak or unstable internet connection can hinder the login process.
    • Network Restrictions: Certain networks, such as public Wi-Fi, may have restrictions affecting access.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Verify Credentials
    • Double-Check Input: Ensure that your username/email and password are entered correctly. Pay attention to capitalization and any special characters.
    • Password Reset: If you've forgotten your password, use the "Forgot Password" feature to reset it.
  2. Resolve 2FA Issues
    • Correct Time Setting: Ensure your device's time is set correctly, as time discrepancies can cause 2FA codes to be invalid.
    • Backup Codes: Use backup codes provided when you initially set up 2FA if you're unable to access your 2FA device.
    • 2FA Recovery: Contact support to recover or disable 2FA temporarily if you've lost access to your 2FA device.
  3. Address Account Lockouts
    • Wait and Retry: If locked out due to multiple failed attempts, wait for a specified period before trying again.
    • Contact Support: Reach out to support to lift any temporary suspensions or resolve any issues related to suspicious activity.
  4. Technical and Network Solutions
    • App Update: Ensure you have the latest version of the app, as updates often fix bugs.
    • Reinstall App: Uninstall and reinstall the app to resolve any persistent issues.
    • Check Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable. Switch to a different network if necessary.
    • Clear Cache: Clear the cache of your mobile app or browser to remove any corrupted data causing issues.
  5. Monitor Status
    • Status Page: Check’s status page or social media channels for announcements about maintenance or server issues.
    • Scheduled Maintenance: Be aware of any scheduled maintenance times that might temporarily affect login capabilities.

Preventative Measures

  1. Use a Password Manager
    • Secure Storage: Use a password manager to securely store and autofill your login credentials.
    • Strong Passwords: Generate and use strong, unique passwords for your account.
  2. Backup 2FA Codes
    • Secure Backup: Keep a secure backup of your 2FA codes in case you lose access to your 2FA device.
    • Alternate 2FA Methods: Consider setting up multiple 2FA methods if supported, such as SMS and an authenticator app.
  3. Regular Updates
    • App and Device: Regularly update the app and your device’s operating system to ensure compatibility and security.
    • Security Updates: Apply security patches and updates promptly to protect against vulnerabilities.
  4. Safe Network Practices
    • Avoid Public Wi-Fi: Use a private, secure network when accessing your account.
    • VPN Usage: Consider using a VPN to enhance security and avoid network restrictions.

Contacting Support

If troubleshooting steps fail to resolve your login issues, contacting support is essential. Here’s how:

  1. Support Ticket: Submit a support ticket through the app or website detailing your issue.
  2. Social Media: Reach out to on social media platforms for additional support options.
  3. Community Forums: Engage with the community forums for advice and potential solutions from other users.


Dealing with login issues requires a methodical approach to identify and resolve the problem. By following the outlined troubleshooting steps and implementing preventative measures, you can minimize disruptions and ensure a smoother experience managing your cryptocurrency assets on